About me

>> Thursday, June 11, 2009

Hi everybody!! Thanks for visit our blog.
I'm Shi Li and i'm from Seremban, the famous " siew pao city". Well, watching movie and TVB series and surf ing internet are the most activities i like. i can spend my whole day by just sitting in front of my laptop watching the drama series and surfing internet , therefore i'm kind of person that can't survive in the world without internet. The most websites i visited is http://www.facebook.com/ because i can keep in touch with my friends, see the new photos uploaded by them and play the quizzes. I like to read my friend's blog to know about their recent happenings. Besides that, i also like to visit some blogger's blog because I can get the latest infomation and interesting stories from their blog. sometime http://www.youtube.com/ , i love to visit youtube to watch some funny videos and http://www.google.com/ is the website that i always use to search information to keep updated myself.
thats all about me..


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