
>> Saturday, July 11, 2009

Malaysian government has identified initiatives to implement the modernization of the public sector. MSC is Malaysia’s initiative for the global information and communication technology (ICT) industry. The e-Government initiative was launched in Malaysia in the year 1997 by the former Malaysian Prime Minister, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad as one of the seven flagships of the Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC) initiative. The e-Government initiative focuses on increasing efficiency and at the same time reducing operational costs of public services offered. All government agencies will be equipped to quick start to offer public services through e-Government if there is a standardized framework for guidance.

The current applications of e-government in Malaysia such as e-Filling, Renewing Road Tax and Driving License Online, KWSP’s i-Akaun and E-Perolehan. Nowadays, we can renew road tax and motor insurance policy at It also provides a list of about 100 insurances companies for citizen to choose it. In addition, we also can renew driving licenses and pay or check traffic summonses through the online at
However, many citizens in Malaysia do not use e-government because they are lack of computer knowledge. Besides that, the languages available of e-government applications are more on English and Malay. Some consumers are not proficient in those languages, so they are rarely using the e-government applications.

Citizen’s adoption strategies
The government should be able to propose an effective strategy to encourage citizen’s adoption of e-government by focusing on these 4 areas.

1. Customer satisfaction
E-Government adoption requires that citizens show higher levels of satisfaction with the online service provided by the government. A higher level of customer satisfaction will increase the rate of e-Government adoption.

2. Service Quality
Online service quality for e-Government could be measured in terms of quality of content provided on the website, the speed of the response to the citizens concerns with problem solving approach, and the availability of names. Other important measurement factors are telephone and fax numbers of personnel with whom citizens might need to get in touch, and the integration of an offline channel with online channel so that citizens could interact with government departments through other means if necessary. Higher quality of service will lead to higher levels of customer satisfaction and thus can increase the use of e-government services.

3. Website Design
Personalization of websites, customization of product offerings, and self-care are the three key features that could be used not only to build relationship with the visitors, but also to enhance their experience. These features give visitors a sense of control and participation and could potentially enhance their adoption

4. User Characteristic
User characteristics such as perceived risk, perceived control, and internet experience can have a direct impact on internet adoption. Experience influences a citizen’s trust of e-Government. Users with prior experience, especially if satisfied, would be more likely to return to use e-Government services. Perceived risk leads to security and privacy issues that could discourage the use of online services. It is important to ensure that citizens can transact online securely and their personal information will be kept confidential to increase the level of trust and the e-government adoption rate.


review on local e-commerce site

>> Thursday, July 9, 2009

Blooming florist is a click and mortar business which started its business only a small retail florist in year 1981. Now, it is not just only a florist in a physical store but also with an e-commerce operation. It offered the choices between the physical location or using the website to provide the services to the customers.

There are various types of product provided in this e-commerce site. With all of these items, it has offered many type of gift packages for the customers in the different type of the occasions. For example, you can order the red rose in hand bouquet with the Berlys heart shaped chococlate during the valentine day for your girlfriend or flowers with the baby products for the new born baby. incorporates different types and hyperlink to direct the users to their desired page, giving them the choice of pathways.The list of catalog is given in the e-commerce site, therefore it give the customers flexibility and convenience to get what they want in just a click aways in the site. After you click on the item you decide to purchase, it will link to the shopping cart. In the shopping cart, it will show the item you have selected as a review before you make the payment. After that, click the checkout now, it will appear list of form for you to fill up the delivery date and time, card message, the receipient and your billing information with the payment option. At the end, click on the confirm now button.

In conclusion, the blooming website is user-friendly website that enable the users to browse and satisfy their needs. For those who feel interest in these gift package, you may have a look in .



A discussion on E-learning offered in Malaysian universities: Pros and Cons from students perspective

>> Monday, July 6, 2009

E-learning is a term for all types of technology -enhanced learning (TEL), where technology is used to support the learning process. E-learning strategies have been introduced into public universities in Malaysia after the establishment of the Multimedia Super Corridor since 1996 . The Malaysian universities that embraces e-learning include Open University Malaysia (OUM), Multimedia University (MMU), and University Tun Abdul Razak (UNITAR).

Pros and Cons from students perspective

One of the advantages of E-learning is its accessibility to all students irrespective of their residence. The learning options are not constrained by students geographic location. Self-paced learning modules allow learners to work at their own pace. So there is no need for student to worry about the transport problem, especially for the students who are living in the rural area.

Besides that, E-learning can lower the cost of extra expenses for traveling, accommodation, food and high fees for tutors. Usually, it is less costs for students than traditional programs. So the students who are facing financial difficulty can afford getting higher education degrees through E-learning.

Another advantage of e-learning is its time flexibility. Learning can be fit into student's busy schedule, especially for the part time student. One can get online resources, communicate with his tutor or class mates, send his query and write term paper at any time he can get access to the Internet.

However, there are still a few disadvantages in e-learning The major disadvantage of E-learning is lack of face to face interaction between the students and the teachers. This contributes the lack of understanding between them. While a teacher cannot easily feel a student’s demands, interests and motivations, a student can simply be lazy being non-motivated enough and having free time schedule for his e-learning.

The other disadvantage is it does not provide many social aspects of a true campus or traditional classroom. E-learning are obviously unique that the students are distanced from their teacher and classmates, and need to communicate electronically rather than face to face. This distance seemed generally to contribute a lack of class community. Thus, the student may feel isolated or miss social interaction from their teacher or classmates.



Corporate blogging: A new marketing communication tool for companies

Because technology is changing rapidly, this means that the way people communicate, both personally and professionally, is changing rapidly as well. Corporations that used to rely on pen and paper have advanced to voicemail, e-mail, and even instant messaging to make sure that employees are connected to volumes of information at any given second.Some companies are even looking even beyond e-mail and instant messaging to other new ways of communicating electronically: through blogs (Web logs), podcasts, wikis, discussion boards and streaming video among other means. Indeed new ways of communicating digitally are being developed at a fast pace and with greater speed.

According to a recent report by Forrester Research that looked at 90 blogs from Fortune 500 companies, most corporate blogs are “dull, drab, and don’t stimulate discussion.” Sadly, two-thirds hardly ever get any comments, 70% stick strictly to business topics, and worse 56% just republish press releases or already public news.The research states that Amazon is one of the companies that really get corporate blogging and produce blogs that are informative, fascinating, and a joy to read.

Amazon Web Services Blog is a corporate blog about Amazon web services, products, tools and developer information. It helps to improve the communication and its customer services, attract more people to consume and discuss new products online. It is truly one of the great corporate blogs because it reads like a fan blog. You’d never know that Jeff Barr, the scribe behind the AWS blog, is a Web Services Evangelist at Amazon just by reading his posts. That’s because Barr doesn’t write like a corporate flak. Instead he writes with the voice of someone who is truly amazed each day by the stuff that people build on Amazon’s suite of web services, and that makes reading the blog a pleasure.

Pros and Cons of corporate blog

The pros:

  • It’s very easy to set up a company blog. The technologies available today are so user-friendly that the average employee will quickly learn how to update the company blog. Therefore, this task can be delegated to trusted staff members with solid writing skills, and they can be empowered to make updates as necessary.
  • Corporate blogging appeals to younger consumer groups and employees. If you want to capitalize on the energy, enthusiasm and buying power of this demographic group, then corporate blogging is an excellent resource.
  • In the face of a crisis or emergency, a company blog is a good way to spread information. Blogs have quickly become a powerful tool for combating public relations fires and responding to catastrophic situations. They can be modified quickly to post critical information for employees, consumers and stakeholders.

The cons:

  • A company blog is time-consuming to maintain. It takes a great deal of creative energy and regular updating to keep the content fresh. The time it takes to maintain a good company blog might actually end up costing more than the benefits that it generates.
  • Corporate blogging requires strong written communication skills, and you might not have the right people in positions to produce good posts.
  • Blogs are so popular that their credibility as a source of information is declining. Anyone can compose and post information in the internet these days. Visitors to your website might not view a company blog as a credible source. Likewise, stakeholders and employees may respond more effectively to more traditional mediums like email communication, memos and announcements in meetings.

Referred links:





The application of prepaid cash card for consumer

>> Saturday, July 4, 2009

Prepaid cash card, a preloaded card for people to spend on the products and services with the money they deposit in the account . Unlike the credit card, using prepaid cash card you no need worry about overload your card and faced any debts. Once your spending come to the limited amount, you cannot spend anymore until the money deposit again to the account. Besides, it is also a perfect way for the users to control their own spending and budget before making any payment.

Here are the examples that are using for explain how is the prepaid credit card has been applicated in our daily life:

Touch' n Go or (TNG), smart card is used by Malaysian Expresses ang Highways operators as the sole electronic payment system(EPS). Currently, The Touch 'n Go card is no longer only for the toll fare, but also for public transort, parking services and certain retail merchant outlets. By using the touch' n go, the speed of payment can be enhanced and as convenient as we no longer requires to prepare small change. For example, the users no need to waste the time to queue up at the cash lane for the toll fare. With the touch' n go, now u can just waiver at the sensor and pay the toll fees, it really save a lot of the users' time and improve the problem of traffic jam.

Octopus card, the first contactless smart card system in the world. It lauched in September,1997 and used to transfer electronic payments in online or offline system in Hong Kong. When the octopus card first introduced in Hong Kong for the fare payment in MRT, but now the card is wisely used in multiple other services. Similarly with the Touch' n Go smart card, octopus card is wisely used payment system for virtually all public transport in Hong Kong and also used for the parking services,certain retail outlets like fast food restaurant and supermarket. It just became part of the Hong Kong people's life and simply waved over a sensor and the correct amount is either deducted or added to your balance immediately.

For more information, you can visit to the following websites:


mobile payment system

>> Thursday, July 2, 2009

A mobile payment or m-payment may be defined, for our purposes, as any payment where a mobile device is used to initiate, authorize and confirm an exchange of financial value in return for goods and services. Mobile devices may include mobile phones, PDAs, wireless tablets and any other device that connect to mobile telecommunication network and make it possible for payments to be made. The realization of mobile payments will make possible new and unforeseen ways of convenience and commerce. It has also been popular in Malaysia.
Mobile Money is a PIN-based Mobile Payment Solution to address the limitations and bottlenecks created by cash, cheques and credit cards. It only allows registered users to pay for goods and services at anytime, anywhere using only a mobile phone coupled with a 6-digit security PIN via SMS. This gives the freedom to shoppers to buy products online and pay the merchant using his/her mobile phone without being physically present at the store.

Mobile Money International Sdn Bhd is one of the biggest mobile payment service providers in Malaysia. Mr. Lee Eng Sia sees the opportunity and potential of mobile money and thus initiated the idea of mobile payment system introduced in Malaysia. Its objective is to provide Merchants and consumers with a convenient and secure Mobile Payment and Mobile Commerce platform.

The introduction of mobile money has benefited both participating merchants and consumers. The merchant can now sell to people across town, across the country and take payment around the clock, which is not possible with current payment systems. Online selling (e-commerce) becomes a practical means for merchants since customers will only need to enter their mobile phone during checkout from merchant e-commerce website. With Mobile Money, merchants do not have to be concern of cash /cheque/credit card handling problems or fraud. The Mobile Money Payment System conforms to the stringent requirements set by Bank Negara Malaysia and the participating banks. Furthermore, consumers don't need to have a merchant account to apply for Mobile Money, consumers’ existing bank account will suffice. It will easily save them RM50,000 which they need to deposit in their merchant account with banks. On the other hand, consumers who use mobile money service are able to enjoy the convenience to pay anyone, including to any bank accounts from anywhere, at anytime. You can pay various bills and your loan repayments at home. With its advantage, consumer can start to buy and save from participating mobile commerce platform.

In addition, it can function like a credit card if a consumer applies for a “Pay by Mobile Phone” credit card account. Therefore, the consumer will be billed by the bank by month’s end. Alternatively, it can function as a Debit Card if the consumer applies for savings or current account. The amounted consumed will be deducted directly from the account upon successful transaction.

How it works
1. Customer That Purchase Online from an E-commerce Website
2. Pay by Mobile Phone Number(Applies to customer purchase from merchant's brick-and-mortar store or Remote Payment)

1. Customers choose to pay via Mobile Money for the goods and services from participating merchants.
Customer gives merchant his/her mobile number via phone, fax, email etc.

2. Merchant can bill the customer via IVR, Mobile Money website or SMS. When merchant requests for payment with customer's mobile number, Mobile Money sends an SMS with a Bill Reference Number to customer requesting customer to to reply with their 6-Digit Security PIN to approve the payment.

3. Customer authorizes payment by replying the SMS with the Bill Reference Number and customer's 6-digit SECURITY PIN.Mobile Money authenticates customer's SECURITY PIN and requests for bank approval on transaction.
(In this illustration, 001 is the Bill Reference Number while 123456 is the security PIN. In simpler terms, 001 means it is the 1'st SMS request for payment, 002 means the 2'nd, 003 means the 3'rd and the number increases. )

4. upon receipt of bank's confirmation to debit customer's mobile credit account or mobile Debit account, Mobile Money will send a payment notification with details to merchant as well as customer.

5. Merchant can deliver the goods / services.


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